A PROPOSED DOCUMENT WORKFLOW for the (name of the document) of the (NAME OF OFFICE, COMPANY)
I. The Office - (name of the office)
This describes the office or unit that is in-charge of processing the document.
II. The Document - (name of the document)
This describes the purpose and use of the document; the attributes of the document, to whom it is routed for approval or decisions.
Include here the discussion of the existing workflow of the document and the diagram.
III. The Proposed Document Workflow
Discuss here the improved document workflow that will facilitate smooth, efficient and up-to-date trace of the movement of the document. Include here the proposed workflow diagram.
IV. The Recommended Solution
Describe here the recommended IT solution for the new document workflow. It may be the implementation of a new system, the use of a semi-automated system or simply a fusion of a technology suitable to the given scenario.
V. Justification of the Recommended Solution
1. Dress Code: Smart Casual. No slippers. No rubber shoes. No shorts. No six-pocket pants. No revealing clothes. No non-collared shirts.
2. Limit your presentations to 15 minutes. Focus on the document workflow.
3. Bring a laptop with wide screen for your screen design demo.
4. Ensure to prepare a justification for your recommended technology solution.