Saturday, June 6, 2009

Guidelines for the 1st Online Discussion- June 10, 2009

We will use Yahoo Messenger for the online session.

Schedule of the Online Discussion:
1pm-3pm - S13
3pm-5pm - S14


1. What is an FOSS? What are the advantages and disadvantages of FOSS.
2. What is a proprietary software?
3. What are the disadvantages and disadvantages of proprietary software?
4. Get data on the history and present market share of Windows OS, MAC OS, Linux and other independent OS like Ubuntu? Analyze the business model of each. This is going to be part of our discussion.

Basic Protocol for the Discussion
Choose a conference group where you think you will feel comfortable sharing. Ask the moderator if you can join the conference. Introduce yourself and mention your section. After that, you can participate in the discussion.

MOFTECH students can use English, Filipino or broken English or broken Filipino in the discussion. As much as possible, stick to the subject talked about. Everyone is encouraged to share ideas, opinions, experiences and knowledge. Pls inform the moderator if you are leaving the conference room or signing out already.

The moderators are tasked to encourage the interest and sharing of facts and opinions in the discussion without being rude or impolite to others. Moderators can also call the attention of a student if there's any misbehavior (cursing, encouraging other students to destroy the topic, use of excessive large fonts etc.)

List of Moderators S13
1. Clarissa Boac
2. Joanna Kuo
3. Jill Medina
4. Joaquin Soriano
5. Niko Domingo
6. Michi Hagedorn
7. Miguel Peralta
8. Lester Tolentino

Jino Ontog
List of Moderators S14
1. Robert Cipriano
2. Enzo Cortes
3. Jeff Ko
4. Xyruz Duca
5. Diane Lim
6. Lindsey Chua
7. Vallery Aquino
8. Tiffany Gawchinco

Moderators: Pls e-mail me the names of the people who joined you in the conference and the file of the discussions to on or before June 14.

I will provide you with the guide questions on Jun 10, wed afternoon during the online meeting/session.

Let's make our self-quarantine days productive.
Let's exchange ideas!! :-)

Thank you.